About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Theatre Is My Life HAS MOVED

Dear Followers-
First of all I would llike to thank you all for following this blog and also thank the followers of my facebok fan page for your followship. As of yesterday this blog has moved to Tumblr. I will no longer be updating the blog on this site anymore. Please continue to follow this blog as it moves to Tumblr. http://theatrereviewer826.tumblr.com

Tumblr allows my blog to become a lot more intearactive. Please feel free to send me any theatre related quotes, links or pictures to my my inbox as well as questions you may have related to theatre and my interest it it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


So as I mentioned back on January 8th the Cabinet/Telegraph have been going through layoffs lately and have cut their freelancer budget in half. Basically they only need me to write articles on an as needed basis. My next article is about Anne Of Green Gables which will be put on by Riverbend School of Theatre Arts at the beginning of May. I have no articles coming up in the immediate future so I am doing research for other theatre companies in the area to to PR for. I decided to give Manchester Community Theatre Players in Manchester a shot. I heard about them because lots of people who do the PTA shows with me do shows for them as well. I am talking more with the head of their PR department either tomorrow or Tuesday so I am excited about that possibility.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Things Musical Theatre Girls Say (Response)

This video and the vides that it is in response to are both hysterical. Thanks to Rae for showing me these!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Happy 10th Anniversary NH Theatre Awards

For the complete winner list go to the NH Theatre Awards Website or here: http://http//caughtintheactnh.blogspot.com/2012/02/2011-nh-theatre-awards-winners.html

I love the NH Theatre Awards because it really exposes me to shows I may have not seen throughout the year as well as new theatres to add to my ever growing list of places to go see shows at. Last night was fabulous. Prior toe show Matt and I went out to dinner at Ignite Bar and Grille which is a few doors up the street from The Palace Theatre. The food was delicous. As previously noted Music Man was nominated for 9 awards so it was a very exciting night for me and the rest of the cast. There was pretty tough compettion all around but I was so excited that Ashely Hughes got Best Actress in A Musical for playing Marian Paroo. It was certainly well deseved. Paula Troie also got in the top 3 for best costume design but was beat by Allison Szklarz for her costume design for The Dionsaur Musical at Peacock Players (one of the many shows I wished I had seen.) Milford Area Players also won several awards for their Production of August Osage County which I am quite excited about. I was impressed by the performances my favorites were definitley Guys and Dolls- Actorsinger (Love Sit Down You're Rockin The Boat) The Dinosaur Musical Peacock Players, Oliver Manchester Community Theatre Players amd The Drowsy Chaperone New London Barn Playhouse. I was so happy for my co-worker on Princess K.I.M The Musical Toby Tarnow for her award for Children And Yoiuth Theatre. I have worked with her twice before now (once as a theatre camp counselor and once backstage for Man Who Came To Dinner last year.) It was certainly a well deserved award as I am costantly impressed with everything the Rivebend School of Theatre Arts puts on.

Shows with Multiple Wins
The Dinosaur Musical Peacock Players Best Youth Production, Best Youth Actor (Taylor Morrow) ,Best Director (Keith Weirch) , Best Musical Directo (Judy Hayward, Best Costume Designer., Best Sound Design (Rich Loomer) Best Lighting Design ( Keith Weirch,Norm St Germain Jeremey Robarge)
The Drowsy Chaperone New London Barn Playhouse Best Production (Professional Musical) ,Best Actress (Anne Torsigerler Bri ( Best Actress) Best Musical Director (Joel Mercier) , Best Director (B.T. Mcnichol) Best Chroregraphy (Sarah Case&Keith Coughlin )
Tom Ford also took home an award for Best Actor in A Musical for A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
Measure For Measure Peterborough Player Best Production Drama Comedy (Professional) , Best Sound Designer (Kevin Frazier), Best Scenic Designer ( Charles Morgan) Best Costume Designer ( Lara de Bujin), Best Actress Karen Peakes)
The Drowsy Chaperone Community Players of Concord
Best Production Musical (Community) , Best Supporing Actress Candace Azerola
August Osage County Milford Area Players
\Best Director Vick Bennison Best Supporting Actress Deb Shaw Best Productin Drama Comedy (Community)
Suessical The Musical Peacock Players
Best Supporting Actress Youth Megan Dwinell Best Supporting Actor Youth Nathan Schwartzberg

Congrats to all winners and nominees for the 10th Annual NH Theatre Awards.

I hope Okalhoma will get nominated for a few things next year. I look incredibly foward to the prospect of that. :)
