About Me

My photo
Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Currrent and Upcoming Projects

Current Project:   Ensemble in  Okalahoma with the Amherst PTA Show Dates April 11-15 Souhegan High School  Auditiorium
Long Term Project: Collaborating with my mom, Toby Tarnow and Andrew Cass on Princess K.I.M. and The Lie That Grew The Musical  Production Date  October 3-6 2013.
As this project gets underway stay tuned to Princess K.I.M The Musical

In addition to this  I am also writing a play on  Gay Bullying.  Currently  doing case studies. If you are gay and have been bullied please contact me.  All info will remain CONFIDENTIAL!!!

Please note: Due to  budget cuts  the amount of articles I write for the  Cabinet/Telegraph will be limited as they only need me on as as needed basis.  If you would like me to write an article about your upcoming production please email as soon as possible so   I can get the word into  my editor so I can be the first freelancer to cover your production.  Thank your for your patience and understanding.

2012 Viewing Schedule
Listed by  month
Feb 25th
Royalty of Rock And Pop  Palace Theatre
3/18 MAP  Night Of Acts
5/6   Chicago Actorsingers
5/19 Beauty  and The Beast  Peacock Players
6/24 Blithe Spirit  Lyric Stage Co,  Portland Maine

College Productions

 4-21 A Midsummer Night's Dream UMass Amherst

High School Productions
3.10  Wizard of Oz  Pentucket Regional High Scool
3/31  Anything Goes SHS

National Tours
 June 3rd  6:30pm Beautyand The Beast  Boston Opera House
Suessiical The Musical  Time/ Date  and Location TBA
Billy Elliot Boston  Opera House    Time and Date TBA  Tour Runs August 3rd-23rd

Listed by  Venue
With the exception of shows in bold faced print all shows lised here are subject to change due to schedule and budget.

Arundel Barn Playhouse
Aug 26 Beyond The Rainbow
Hackamatack Playhouse
Boeing Boeing
Interlakes Summer Theatre
All Shook Up   (Runs July 2nd- 12th)
Singin In The Rain  (Runs August 2nd -12th)
Maine State Music Theatre
A Chorus Line   June 6th -June 23rd or Sunset BLVD
Our Town or Oklahoma
 Back up: Ragtime

Note: For some shows I may not know  the times I plan to go see the shows yet..  It is hard to plan out my summer at this poiint because  I do not know when my family is going away on vacation. I will have a better grasp on my summer schedule by the end of May or beginning of June.  At this point the only shows  I know are definites are  Beyond The Rainbow, All Shook Up and Singin In The Rain.

Anyone interested in joining me on excursions please let me know.
