About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 points for nostalgia


I think there are appropriate times in which for me to be nostalgic about the Barn Playhouse without being too overly obsessed about it.. right now would be  a good time It only seems right anyway.
At this time two years ago  I was  well in to performances of Annie Get Your Gun.  For the record  I  have never had so much fun working on a show as I did when I worked on that show. It is my most fondest memory of that whole  entire summer at the Barn and will continue to be.    I miss it every once in awhile especially right now.    Even though I had an ensemble role and was only on stage for three scenes throughout  the  whole show I felt like I was part of  a family.   I do not think a lot of my friends from NLBP ever really  realized how much Annie Get Your Gun really meant to me,but it did.  It really truly did mean a lot.    It was really on of the best experiences I've ever had  working on a play because working with everyone else involved really taught me a lot about what it takes to put on a show ( a new perspective i never learned because i mostly did tech work and  did not have a lot of acting experience before coming to the Barn)  and most of it it was an opportunity for me to grow into myself as a performer. I really truly admire everyone who was in that show with me because they really helped me to challenge myself as a performer. 
NLBP 07 I LOVE YOU GUYS so so so much!!!

Love  Janine

I would just like to add  that I think it is incredibly really eerie how  I  hit the nail  on the head with predicting that people  from my intern company would be doing amazing things since we left the Barn Playhouse.  I watched the Our Time video from Just Desserts Cabaret the other day and that song epitomizes how talented I thought everyone in my intern company was and how I thought  they would be going places... potentially broadway shows or the like after the Barn. While some people may not be on Broadway yet   I  have been in touch with a few of them recently and have found out that  they are in either off broadway or touring  shows. :)

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