About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Glee and Burlesque

My thoughts on Glee this week
* They should never ever do any Andrew Lloyd Webber songs ever. Don't Cry for Me Argentina was not completley butchered but it wasn't a great renditon
* WTF with Emma getting married? Honestly, Glee writers! Emma and Will should be together. I hope they end up together EVENTUALLY. Really beginning to lose hope of this
* Did not even know the second song that New Directions did was by Amy Winehouse til I saw the Gleewind on Fox.com
* Quinn and Mercedes are now my favorite female characters. Total 180% from last season when I hated Quinn and loved Rachel. Rachel is too much of an arrogant diva who is all about getting the solos.
*Darren Criss and Chris Colfer have great chemistry. I hope they become a couple.
* Finn and Rachel broke up :(
* I personally feel Artie and Tina should get back together. Arite and Brittany just don't go together at all.
* It is my hope that Kurt really conquers his fear of Karofsky and ends up back at McKinley. I feel he doesn't fit in with the Warbles. He looked so uncomfortable performing with them.

Season 2 overall really stinks. Three episodes have stood out to me all season. Auditions, Rocly Horry Glee Show and Never Been Kissed.

Also of note Sunday afternoon I went to the movies with Monica Boore to go see Burlusque. I would classify it as a modern day version of Chicago. Christina Augliera is amazing and I hope she gets nominated for an oscar for her performance. One of the best movies I've seen all year long.

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