About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

LAtest Milford Cabinet Article

Haitian Benefit Concert Raised Funds For Earth Quake Victims
By Janine Leffler

On April 23rd the Souhegan High School Theatre was alive with sounds of lively music. Many bands performed in a Haitian Donation Benefit Concert. The concert was organized by Souhegan senior Kelly Dubois, featured the bands: The Undertow, The Fitted Shirt, The Yellow Team and The Sea Captains.

Overall the event took four months to plan and organize. Dubois said that the challenge she faced when planning the event was raising awareness. “You need to do A LOT of advertising and get the word out...and it isn't easy.” When it came to contacting the bands and promoting the event, Dubois used Facebook to spread the word. “Most of them (bands) actually contacted me when they heard that I had contacted the Sea Captains.”

Marty Morrissey, member of the Sea Captains, enjoyed the opportunity to both give to a good cause and give back to the school at which he got his musical beginnings. “There was a lot of variety in genre that night, and when you can bring four bands with such different approaches to creating music, it really lets the students know that they can find their own musical voice. Carl Benevides had a big impact on my musical life and it's great to see that he's still contributing so much to high school music. We were really very excited to be a part of this event, and hope to come back to Souhegan in the near future.”

The concert was well attended and raised $880 for victims of the January earthquake in Port Au Prince Haiti. Dubois provided the following advice to anyone who would like to plan a similar event in future years, “Advertise, Advertise, Advertise! Get the word out! People will come if you advertise well.”

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