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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

American Idol/Glee Weekly Update

American Idol/Glee Weekly Update
Wednesday May 5th 2010
Glee is beginning to become less and less appealing to me with every episode since the second half of the season began. The only postivie thing about this week's episode was that Olivia Newton John guest starred. I understand sex sells but must they use so many sexual references in each episode. This show is supposed to appeal to multiple age levels not just adults. Some of the material they are using the plots of the shows is not suitable for all ages.
I didn't like this episode for many reasons
  • The whole issue with Sue's video being posted on the internet and the torment she had go through. Though I typically don't care for Sue's character I felt bad for her in this episode
  • How they turned Will into a manwhore and how Sue used Emma as her pawn. This could mean thier relationship is over.
  • They need to STOP using hip hop songs on this show. The redone versions are often horrendous.
  • The Glist I mean come on. That sounds like something middle schoolers would do.

Generally speaking i am starting to like Kurt's character less and less. He seems to be an instiagator of drama and seems to use his detest of Rachel to his advantage. I didn't like how he was the one who orechestrated the Glist and did not come clean about it to Mr. Shue.

American Idol Week 10

Theme: Sinatra Mentor Harry Connick Jr

In the mentor department the only way the producers have failed is when they got Miley Cyrus to mentor. Since that week I have generally liked their selection of mentors. I think Harry Connick Jr was my favorite mentor of this season. He was laid back and gave the mentors some of the best advice. I really liked how he brought his band with him though they drowned out Casey and that was part of what made his performance so weak.

Bottom Casey and Aaron

Both of these contestant's strong suit is country so they may slip in the votes this week. Their performances were not as strong as they typically are. Primarily Casey's. He was pitchy throught out most of his song and the band drowned him out in a few spots. The theme of Sinatra was probably too mature for Aaron as he is a pretty young singer.

Ratings Casey 6.5 Aaron 7

Songs They Sang: Fly Me To The Moon and Blue Skies

Middle Lee

Lee is finally starting to come out of his shell and show confidenece and good stage prescence. Last night he sang That's Life, a song I am not really familiar with. He did really good with it. I think he can easily soar into the top 3.


Top Big Mike and Crystal

Songs They Sang: The Way You Look Tonight and Summer Wind

They have given very few performances out of their element all season long and have had limited struggle with song choice selection in opposition to other contestants. Crystal always puts a unique spin on what ever song she gets and Mike gave a truly captivating performance of The Way You Look Tonight.


Bottom 2 Big Mike and Aaron. This is the third time Big Mike has been in the Bottom 3 and could spell doom for him if he does not give a stellar performance that will rock the votes next week. Aaron went home and I was relieved. His perfomance was not as bad as Casey's but in the long run of the show he has had much better performances.

Next Week's Theme Songs from The Movies. I won't be watching for the next two weeks because of tech work for Wizard of Oz. Hopefully I can get my parents to tape it.

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