Two dance performances in two days... with a movie in between. The movie was The Back Up Plan and it gets a B-. Highly reccommendable and very hillarious.
Thursday I went to Evening of Dance at Souhegan. It was enjoyable as always. The first half of the show as Jenny Alperin's Senior Project applied piece and I for one thought she did an amazing job. The theme of which was Can you help friends in need when you are dealing with struggles yourself? Some very powerful and emotionally moving dance numbers including Still Attached pefromed by Nicole Ford and Colin Cray, Stuck In The Shadows pefromed by Elizabeth Wilson, Rebecca Wilson, Evelyn French and Nicole Ford and Let Go performed by the whole company. The second half was a collection of dances from through year. Favorite numbers included Skeltons and Stomp The Bleachers peformed by the SHS Dance Team. Jupiter performed by the SHS Dance Company, Ballroom Blitz performed by Aidan Tatar, Sean Tatar, Becca Noyotitz Caitlin Silvia, Ellie Flaum, Kellie Dickerson and Alexandria Lafrenaye amd Valia La Pena by Shaylin Bautista and Johnny Gonzalzez. Congrats to all on an amazing show and all seniors on your final dance performance. Best of luck in college!
Yesterday Cooper Matt and I went to NEC to go see the annual Dance Department Spring Concert. Each year they have a theme and this year's theme was Falling. The progam notes states "The works you willl see tonight explore phyiscal and emotional aspects of falling,falling down, falling in love,falling apart, tripping and falling, rising and falling and falling into the abandoment of the moment." A thing they did this year that they have never done in previous movment concert was using aspects of circus tricks such as trapeeze. The numbers which exhibited these feats were Carsouel which featured special guest dancers Sara Greene and Molly Baechtold and Shine which featured Rachel Buck 09',Jacci Drummond 10' Elliot Greer 10' Elise Hinton 08',Kelly Merrick 12',Joe Paredez 10, Christina Vasta 11' and Diana Lewis. Another favorite dance of mine was In The Bag which featured Alex Picard, Rachel Buck, Jacci Drumond, Elliot Greer, Kelly Merrick and Christina Vasta. Each dance had its own sense of poweful emotion and overall it was a great show! Congrats to the cast and crew!
I am a 26 year old non-profesional actress from Southern NH. I have a passionn for theatre and anything relevant to it. Included in this blog is commentary on Glee, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance and what is going in the wonderful world of Broadway. I also review performances I see throughout Boston, Southern NH and Southern Maine
About Me
- Janine
- Amherst, NH, United States
- I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to
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