Performance Summaries
Top Crystal, Siobhann Big Mike LeeCrystal and Sibohann continue to do phenomnial. They did amazing renditions of Me and Bobby McGee and Superstious. I think Big Mike and Lee are really beginning to hit their stride. Lee had a lot more confidence then he has had in previous weeks. His rendition of The Letter by The Boxtops was impressive. I am not familiar with that song at all. Big Mike has had two stand out performances in the past few weeks. He did a very moving rendition of When A Man Loves A Woman I seriously almost cried.
Middle: Katie Casey Didi
Katie has really hit her stride. Two good songs in a row with Wild Horses last week and Big Girls Don't Cry this week. I think she'll be in the compettion for a little while. Casey did a very enjoyable rendition of The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and The News. I think he uses the guitar as a crutch and needs to break away from using it so much. Didi's performance this week had no wow factor to it at all. That was in part due to song choice. VERY HORRIBLE SONG! She could actually be in danger this week but I am hoping she stays around because she is really good.
Bottom: Aaron Andrew Paige Tim
Results: Bottom 3 :Paige Tim Katie Who went home: Paige
WHY is Andrew still in the compettion? I used to be a huge fan of his in the beginning but at this point he is starting to get so boring and all of his performances are starting to sound the same. He has not been able to deliver since Hollywood Week when he sang Straight Up. Personally that particular performance set the bar WAY too high for him. None of his performances since them have memorable whatsoever. Aaron was in a similar situation as Paige was last week as far as illness goes.. he had a double whammy of laryngytis and tonsilitis and that did not work out well for him as far his performance goes. I have to give him credit for singing when he was sick so I am not going to say he was all around horrible. He sang I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith and it was really pitchy and the song was just not a good song choice for him. Tim's performance of Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen seemed almost too musical theatre for me and he butchered the song. In my honest opinion Paige has not been able to deliver at all since the beginning of the top 24. It is quite possible she could go home this week.
As far as the results are concerned I was suprised to see Katie in the bottom 3 but am happy she ended up being safe. Thank god Paige went home. I was getting really bored with her.
Top 10: Aaron, Andrew, Casey, Lee, Tim, Crystal, Katie, Siobhann, Didi Big Mike
Will they be able to deliver with R&B?: It really depends on the songs they get. Big Mike will most likely hit out of the far as the rest go only time will tell. Hopefully next week's performance will renew my faith in this season American Idol. If not I will probably find other things to occupy my time until the finale is on.
Top 1o Week Mentor Usher
General thoughts of this season of American Idol.
Examples include:
Last season Alexis Grace, Scott McIntyre,Allison Ireheta, Matt Girarud,Jasmine Murray, Danny Gokey, Kris Alllen, Adam Lambert
Seasons 1-7 Jordin Sparks, Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Kimberly Locke, Rubuen Studdard, Clay Aiken, Diana Digarmo, Ace Young, Chris Daughtry, Bo Bice
This season in comparison has only 4 stand out performers Crystal Katie Lee and Siobhann. All of the other contestants seem to be very mediocre by comparison. Certain performers like Casey and Didi still have yet to give a wow factor performance. Big Mike has only had two stand out peroformances so far and hopefully we will have more in the coming weeks. Andrew has not been able to give a solid performance since Hollywood Week and I scratch my head and wonder why the judges are continuing to keep in the compettion. If he gets a decent song choice next week he will do well.. perhaps song choice has been his issue all along and he just needs to get a good song in order to hit his stride like Katie did. If he doesn't give a solid performance next week he will definitley go home. In my honest opinion Aaron and Tim need more training and should not have even made it as far as they have though Aaron has done slightly better than Tim has since the beginning of the top 24 performance shows. The top ten has been more vocally strong in previous seasons unlike this season where there have been few performers that have been consistant with their performances. The people who have been vocally strong have gone home in previous weeks which has been disappointing. This shows me that judges are not to keen on picking people that have talent and that willl be successful. People that have been eliminated up to this point that I think would be really strong compettiors if they were still in the compettion include Katelyn Epperly, Alex Lamberlt, Michelle Delomar, Lilly Scott John Park and Jermaine Sellers.
And seriously what was up with Miley Cyrus being a mentor this week? Are the producers of American Idol trying to reach a younger demographic by getting Miley to be a mentor? She was not that good and in my honest opinion not qualified at all to be a mentor. I think the only people she gave meaningful advice to were Katie, Aaron and Tim. I don't think the other contestants took her all that seriously because she is so much younger then they are. They really should have chosen someone who has been in the industry longer... I would have even benn content with Britney Spears being a mentor over Miley. I felt like last night's performances were too Disney Channell oreinteted... once again something that proves this show is trying to reach a younger demographic. Miley performed and I had to mute the tv because I can't stand to hear her sing. Then Demi Lavato and Joe Jonas sang a duet which was more tolerable then having to listen to Miley sing but I wasn't all that crazy about their performance.
As far as the judges are concerned I have no complaints except for Ellen. I really don't think she is cut out to be a judge on AI. She really doesn't have any good feedback to give to the contestants and she mostly provides comic releif which a singing compettion show does not really need.
This will most likely be my last season watching American Idol. I feel sad to say this but it is the sincere and honest truth.
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