About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thought of the day

I just read an article online about So You Think You Can Dance and how the judges pretty much rigged the voting system so Ashleigh and Ryan could make it into the finale.
Keep in mind that Ashleigh did not even dance last week because she was injured. Mollee who got sent home danced absolutley pheonominal and should have been in the finale instead of her. While Mollee wasn't my favorite all season she grew on me after awhile and really statrted to show maturity in her dancing once the partner switch ups occured a few weeks ago. Her broadway # with Jakob last week was truly the best one yet. Ashleigh on the other hand is a pretty average dancer in my books as is Ryan. Ryan only had about one or two routines that stood out to me all season long and his solos were boring and very repettivie. Ashleigh did not really have any memorable routines by my standards and her solos were mediocre.
Originally I thought this was all just talk and people were just saying it because they were mad that Mollee and Legacy did not make it into the finale. Now that it appears to be fact I am less than amused and just as angered and upset as others on the chatboard on fox.com are.

If this supposed to be a contest for America's Favorite Dancer where does America's vote even matter? I don't see how the voting public even matters if the judges and producers have such a high matter opinion of who should be in the top dancers. This show is nothing more but another realtiy show popularity contest. True talent apparently does not seem to matter anymore. If it did Channing and Victor would be in the finale and NOT Ashleigh and Ryan.

I am in total disgust over this. My faith in this show has gone way down. It seems to have lost any type of creditibilty it used to have.

Like many others on the fox.com chat board Season six may be the last season of So You Think You Can Dance that I watch. Shame on you Fox for letting creadibility slip away. You are losing many viewers because of this... not just me.

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