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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Latest Milford Cabinet Article

Holiday classic A Christmas Story to be performed at the Amato Center
By Janine Leffler

Stop for a moment and think of three words that come to mind whenever you think of the holiday season. Perhaps they are, laughter, joy and togetherness as families gather around their tables sharing memories. Laughter and joy will not be in short supply at the upcoming performances of the popular holiday comedy classic A Christmas Story. This play is a perfect way to bring families together in the spirit of the holidays.

A Christmas Story, which is a holiday comedy that tells the story of young boy’s proof to his family, friends an Santa that the Red Ryder BB Gun the gift that he really wants for Christmas is a combined effort of the companies of the Riverbend School of Theatre and The Milford Area Players. The show is directed by Robin Lacroix and stars Gary Locke, Mike Wood, Jennifer Erdody, Matt Campbell, Cameron Mackie, Anthony Lopez, Doulgas Pedroza, Tom Partridge, Paige Craven, Kayla Bullwinkel, John Sheridan, Karen Hammes, Kent Maggelet, Ben Lopez, Alex Taylor, Andi Burnett, Helaine Hall, Rachel Taylor and Olivia Mackie.

The biggest challenge that director Robin Lacroix has faced in directing this play is “There are many locations in this play from inside the house to the school room to the playground to the inside of the department store and more so thinking through how it should all flow together.” Lacoix continued by saying that while she has some nerves about the upcoming performances she looks forward the most to portraying a faithful representation of a classic holiday movie.”

To get into character Paige Craven, a 15 year old sophomore at Souhegan High School has paid close attention to her younger siblings who are eleven and eight. Craven’s character Esther Jane is nine years old and the love interest of the main character Ralphie. Eleven year old Cameron Mackie of Brookline finds it a challenge to play a character that is younger than him. He is eleven and he plays Ralphie’s little brother Randy who is five. Mackie says the thing he enjoys the best about working on this show is getting to act in a play that is based on his favorite non-animated holiday film.

The cast has been rehearsing for weeks. Cast members in this production had various methods when it came to memorizing their lines. Mike Wood, of Nashua who plays the Old Man, used index cards in which he wrote his cue on one side and his lines on the other. Theatre runs in Karen Hammes’s family as all of her children have been in shows at the Amato Center so when she rehearsed at home, she got help and advice from them. Kayla Bullwinkel used a very unique method to memorizing her lines. “If you do not go to bed too late and your script is the last thing you read before you go to bed, the lines are fresh in your head the next day.”

When asked if this play captures the true meaning of Christmas cast members gave various responses. Jen Erdody said that this play is a great representation of Christmas nostalgia and shared family memories which are important especially in these economic times. Director Robin Lacroix shared a similar sentiment “We chose this particular play because it’s a family show. In this hurried world, at the most hurried season of all, it’s such a joy to be able to provide an activity the whole family can enjoy together. And time with our families is the greatest gift we could give.”
The cast is looking forward to the upcoming performances and to performing such a timeless holiday classic. Cast member, Kent Maggelet elaborated that his family enjoys the movie and can’t wait to see how the movie is brought to the stage.

A Christmas Story runs Dec 11-13 at the Amato Center for The Performing Arts at The Souhegan Valley Boys and Girls Club. Shows are at 7:30pm on Friday and Saturday and 2pm on Sunday. Come out and enjoy the show!

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