About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Future of This Blog

 Don't really get on blogger anymore except when I need to update  in the Princess K.I.M  blog which hasn't really been updated lately but will be  more often soon since things will be starting to pick up for our production in the fall.

 As followers know this blog moved over to tumblr in February.  I have found that  I have gained a much stronger following on tumblr than  I did here on blogger so I am  there to stay.  I will keep this blog  so  I can go back and reference my  past reviews..   I struggle with writing reviews for plays lately so  it's good to look back at my past reviews.  Most of my reviews thesse days  have been summaries of the plays with random commentary thrown in.  I know I  can do far better than that.

As far as the future for this blog   I honestly do not know where it will go.    My interest in American Idol and Glee has dwindled in the past year so there will be  not a lot of commentary on that anymore.   The primary focus of this blog was mostly to  document my Milford Cabinet articles and  my   job status for them is on an as needed basis so I am not writing as many articles for them  at the current time.  However  in February  I did get a new  freelance job at Manchester Community Theatre Players which  will have an article coming soon for thier fall show Fiddler On The Roof. Congrats to all my friends from Oklahoma who got into Fiddler... so excited for you guys!! :)

I have two auditions coming up on the 12th and 13th for the fall producitons at Actorsingers (Annie) and Stagecoach Productions (Pirates Of  Penzance)   Nervous and excited for both. Let's see where casting  will lead me.  I think if I get cast in both shows  it will be very hard to balance my schedule. I am working two jobs right now and am also hoping to either join the Souhegan Valley Chorus or  the Stagecoach Women's Chorus.   I don't want to spread myself too thin that's for sure.  Whatever ends up  happening  I look forward to it extensively. :)

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