About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Friday, April 22, 2011

Revised list of theatre related goals

So I am constantly setting new goals for myself everday weather or not they be theatre related. Since this blog is mostly theatre related we shall focus on those goals.
* For more information on this project please go to www.princesskimthemusical.blogspot.com

1. Take voice lessons. I had an idea of doing a one woman cabaret show. I want to make that as possible as I can and that would be the first step. Voice lessons will also help to better prepare for auditions that come about in the future,
2. Work on my play. Now that Music Man is over I can fully focus on writing my play on Gay Bullying. Once I write it and the script fully edited I want to try to see if I can work with Riverbend Youth Company or local high schools to get it performed in those places. Bullying has been a prevelent issue in the news for the past three years and my purpose in writing this play is to raise awareness so that way it can be stopped.
3. AUDITION!! Now that I now have another show under my belt my next step is to audition for more shows and see how the chips fall. Depending how far along I am with my play and where I am in the process on the collaborative effort I am doing with my mom Toby Tarnow and Andrew Cass* I will audtion for the Christmas show at the Amato Center in December. I also definitley want to audition for Oaklahoma when the auditions roll around in January.
4. See more shows at local theatres I haven't seen shows at yet. This is an ongoing goal. I am seeing Guys and Dolls by the Actorsingers on May 20th and am currently trying to figure out my summer viewing schedule. Anyone interested in going with me on excursions are welcome. I'm always looking for people to go to shows with :)
List includes
*Playing at more than one venue Please see entry titled Summer Lovin (will have me a blast) for full list of venues.
*Music Man
*Legally Blonde
Avenue Q
The 39 Steps
Crazy For You
The Marvelous Wonderettes

5. Take lessons again. By again I mean that I want to take piano lessons again. I took piano lessons in high school but had to give it up because I was too busy with other things. It also couldn't hurt to try out a new instrument.. like the guitar.

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