About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"God speaks to us in mysterious ways but not through sandwiches"

Tonight's Glee episode did not sit well with me at all. So far the only episode that has impressed me was the premeire. I missed last week's episode because I am not a fan of Britney Spears. All of her current songs do not interest me. I heard the episode really sucked. Based on the two episodes of Glee I have seen so far this season I can say that I like Merecedes and Quinn better than I did last season and I start to like Kurt and Rachel less and less. The reason why tonight's episode did not sit well with me is because I feel it focussed far too much on religion and faith. I have nothing against religion but on a more personal note religion has kind of confused me for the past couple years. I'll get back to this later. At the beginning of the episode Finn sees an vision of god in a grilled cheese sandwhich. Seriously.... that's the strangest thing ever. He went on to blame certain things that happened to him in the episode (ie regaining the quarterback position on the footbal team) based on the vision of god he sees in the sandwhich. The writers clearly need to come up with better srory lines. This episode was very depressing as it mostly focusses on the fact that Kurt's dad having a heart attack and Kirt dealing with his dad's medical condition. Losts of very moving musical numbers in this episode. I Wanna Hold Your Hand really stood out and so did Bridge Over Troubled Water.

While I don't listen to a lot of gospel music I feel like the issue of religion was way too weighted for a show like Glee. I know the whole point of the show is to deal with issues that affect all people but I feel there is a time and place for everything. Maybe why this episode didn't sit well with me was because I've been confused about my own religion for awhile. I was born and raised Catholic but after the sex abuse scandel five years ago I've been considering changing religions. I beleive in god definitley I just haven't know what religion I want to switch to if I end up changing religions at all.

Hopefully next week's episode is better. I want season 2 of Glee to exceed my expectations so far only the first episode has done that.

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