So this entry is about the livejournal community broadway secrets. What broadwaysecrets is as a rumor community about broadway stars and shows. I was introduced to it through a post that Cali (Confessions of A Musical Theatre Geek) posted on Broadwayspace. I was hoping to post a few secrets on there myself but never quite figured how to get the pictures I found to meet their size requirements. I saw a post on there in last week's entry about Gary Coleman and how he recently died. As people know he is mentioned in the beginning song in Avenue Q. I had some questions about weather or not they're going to keep that part in the script or not? Does anyone know if they're going to keep his character in or take it out?
Generally broadwaysecrets is pretty lame and from my general observations fulll of increidlby immature teenagers who find nothing better to do with their then to bash a particular Elphaba./Glinda pairing in Wied. That has mostly stopped and the focus has now moved to a controversial video with Matt Doyle and Wesley Taylor in it that I have yet to see. I can see why the moderaters of the community would get annoyed with people constnatly talking about that. People have gotten to the point where they bitch and complain so much about it that they have stopped accepting comments on the lj entry altogether
Don;t know how much longer i'll follow broadwaysecrets though not much longer i persume
I am a 26 year old non-profesional actress from Southern NH. I have a passionn for theatre and anything relevant to it. Included in this blog is commentary on Glee, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance and what is going in the wonderful world of Broadway. I also review performances I see throughout Boston, Southern NH and Southern Maine
About Me
- Janine
- Amherst, NH, United States
- I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to
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