About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Sunday, November 22, 2009

3 Show Weekend

1 Weekend 3 Shows I've been super busy!

Friday I went to my high school to go see their fall show. They did three one act plays. Clot Girl,Accused of Comedy and Making Choices.

Clot Girl was written by my former drama teacher Steve Hodgman. While it wasn't my favorite show out of the three one acts it was definitley very emotionally riveting. The story is about a girl named Jess who is a high school teacher and track coach who suffers a blood clot. While the topic of this play was very serious it did have some lighthearted moments. Sophie Gagnon and Monroe Kingsley as Jess and Robert were the most powerful characters in the play. The second show was Accused of Comedy directed by Stan St Onge which finds two comedians Hooper (Andrew Amerein) and Dobbs (Jamie Wallisch) and their lone fan Willhamena (Emerald Smith) are awaiting their judgemet for being too funny in a place where everyone is supposed to be serious. Madam Magistrate (Abby Darin) hands down their sentences but in the end lets them go free once she realizes that it's hard to be serious all the time. The final play was Making Choice a social issue play directed by Joey Abis as part of his senior project. This show starred Alyssa Peterson as Denicese, John Constable as Shawn Kinsey,Sophie Gagnon as Jessie Simpson, Dan Gilligan as Michael Carp and Shawna Sousa as Claire Montoya. This was a very powerful social issue play about safe sex and practicing abstinence that definitley had its intense moments. Great job to all involved in the fall play on an amazing show! I look foward to seeing Bye Bye Birdie in March.
Last night Matt and I went to Henniker to go see the Mainstage production of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. I read this play in my theatre class in high school and was quite excited to seeing it performed. Once again the members of the NEC Theatre Department never cease to impress me. They put an interesting twist on it with the genders playing opposite roles. I was finding it hard not to laugh through out the whole show. My favorite character was most definitley Cecicly Cardew played by Bill O'Donnell. I have never enjoyed myself so much at a play! Congrats to my lovely NEC theatre friends in the cast and crew!!
Today Matt and I went to the Amato Center to go see My Fair Lady put on by the Riverbend School of Theatre. I had sat in on a rehearsal a few weeks ago when I was doing my Cabinet Article interviews and the cast definitley came a long way in two weeks. I had never seen My Fair Lady before so I was looking forward to seeing it. Standout characters were Annie Rielly as Eliza Doolittle, Alec Paulson as Freddy Eysford Hill and Andrew Cass as Alfred P. Doolittle. The cast was full of a diverse amount of talented middle school and high school children from Amherst Milford and surrounding towns. I was quite impressed. Favorite musical numbers included Get Me To The Church On Time,I Could Have Danced All Night and On The Street Where You Live! Congrats to everyone in My Fair Lady on an amazing show!

One more show to see in 2009 Little Shop of Horrors @ Merrimack High School on Dec 11. 2010 has an awesome line up of shows to see ahead. Schedule of shows I plan on seeing is a few entries below this one.

Happy Thanksgiving lovely blog followers! Eat lots of turkey!

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