About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Monday, September 21, 2009

Woyzeck in one word... Riveting

Yesterday in celebration of my new job Matt and I ventured up to Henniker to see the Open Door Theatre Production of Woyzeck. For those who read this blog who do not go to New England College the Open Door Theatre is a summer theatre offering at NEC which is opened to alumni and community members. Favorite past open door productions include Judevine Weinsburg,Ohio and Much Ado About Nothing. The thing that always impresses me about these shows besides the obvious talent among my friends in the show and other alumni is the variety of versitile characters that they play. Some people play multiple characters throughout the show.

Woyzeck is based on a true story which was written by Georg Buchner, a German playwright in the late 1800s. It is set sometime in Eastern Europe sometime in the 20th century... couldn't make heads or tails if it was set during a war or not. It is a story of a deeply troubled man who ends up killing the one person he loves. The murder doen't happen till midway through Act 2 but is foreshawdoed in Act 1 Scene 3.
I was at the edge of my seat during most of the production easily hooked on the inner turmoil of the main character Woyzeck played by Eric Doucet. Though this play is mostly a drama there are a few scenes which add in bits of comic releif. I found this play to the be the most powerful and thought provoking to previous Open Door Shows I've seen second of course to the 2006 production of The Diviners. Woyzeck is in a relationship with Marie (Keri Bresaw) and thier relationship is rather pivotal to the show especially since Marie is cheating on Woyzeck with Sergeant Majaor (Zach Shea). Woyzeck catches on to the infidelity and eventually ends up killing Marie. The murder is the most tragic part of the whole play.
The last paragraph of the director's notes in the program says " Woyzeck is a decent caring human being , a compassionate man set adrift in a world where no one else is decent,or caring or compassionate." Eric Doucet did a fantastic job with capturing the essence of this truly troubled character.

Congratulations to director Glenn Sturart Cast members Keri Bresaw, Eric Doucet,Kevin Guimond, Jennie Leonardl,Russ Rattery, Zach Shea and Greg Stuart and crew Jackie Hawkes,Joe Paredez Elliot Greer and Monica Boore on a truly wonderful production.

Happy Birthday to my fellow thespians who had birthdays in August and the early part of September <3>

Rachel Kepnes, Jesse Einstien, Andrea Crocker, Tess Amadeo Vickery, Dashiel and Levi Morger, Matt Forbes. Christina Giordano, Jay Johnson, Maggie Politi, Zach Shea, Sarah Mitchell, Shawna O'Brien, Rachael Claborn, Lindsey St Louis

Upcoming Productions I will be viewing (budget and schedule dependant)

October 16th-25th The Foriegner Milford Area Players
October 30th-November 1 Seasonel Help New England College Carriage Theatre Ensemble
Nov 19-22 Edges Clark University Musical Theatre
December 5th Holiday Spectacular Concord City Auditorium

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