About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am 25 years old and I live in NH. I have mild cerebal palsy but I have never let that affect me. I am very passionate about theatre and writing. For my professional theatre blog go to http://theatretechdiva.weebly.com

Monday, November 14, 2011

Random Thought

While I don't like to dwell on the past too much sometimes I can't help but wonder how things would have been different had I handled everything related to the Barn Playhouse differntly?
By handling it differenly I mean:

  • not being too in people's faces with sending emails

  • not letting stuff I couldn't control bother me

  • not dwell on my falling out with Will Porter bother me so much and just let that roll with the punches.

Looking back over my old livejounal entires ( that did not make the transfer cut to blogger for obvious reasons) the biggest thing I realized was that I obviously did not react to things is relevant situations to issues related to NLBP in the most mature fashion. I certainly do regret those actions but I don't let them drag me down anymore, Not by any means. I have crossed that bridge and am quite happy with everything that is going on! :)

I found that letting the past drag me down has been my biggest issue over the past 3 years. (2007-2010)

A misconception I feel my Barn Playhouse friends may not understand is that I have a learning disabiliy that comes with a tendancy to become obssessed with things. Obsession is by far what led to my issues with moving on from the Barn. I am not sure how many people actually picked up on that but if you did... excellent deductions! I don't let my disability define me and never have. If any resentfulness should exist it would be a great hope of mine that people would be able to put it aside and not let my past mistakes define me.

Which brings me to mention something in the present, My most recent project which is a collaborative effort with my mother Andrew Cass & Toby Tarnow which is bringing her children's books Princess KIM and The That Grew and Princes KIM and Too Much Truth to the stage. We are compiling a database of theatres to promote our play too. Please let me know what theatres you have worked at since leaving the Barn Playhouse.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What language(s) do you speak?

For now just English. I am currently teaching myself Spanish and hope to eventually take some classes/

Ask me anything

Between the Hunger Games, Harry Potter & The Twilight Saga, which is your favorite?

Harry Potter. The books and movies hold my attention and interest much better than Twiight does. The Twilight books are alright but the movies have not appealed to me very much at all. I have no opinons of the Hunger Games as I have not read the bools or seen the movies.

Ask me anything

Do you have a special diet like vegetarian, halal, kosher, gluten-free, etc? How long have you kept it for?

I do not follow a special diet. I most just cut out eating fried foods and drinking soda.

Ask me anything

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Had my boyfriend and friends over for pizza and played 80s Scene It.

Ask me anything

What's the most exciting thing you've gone planned for this week?

Seeing Puss In Boots :)

Ask me anything

Would you consider yourself as mature?

For the most part yes. There is one situation in the past couple years I feel I did not hande maturely. This is not the proper forum in which to discuss that however.

Ask me anything

Sunday, November 6, 2011

So much to say

So my viewing schedule has been very active in the past couple weeks!! :)

On October 23rd I saw And Then There Were None at Milford Area Players. Nothing like a good murder mystery to get one's self in the Halloween spirit. I really found this play to be very interesting and it certainly kept mee guessing. Having read the book before seeing the play I was familiar with the plot before seeing the play. The cast was very diverse and talented. It included a few of my fellow Music Man cast mates so it was really good to see them in a show again. The person who I thought was guilty of committing the murder was Emily Blunt but I was certaimly mistaken! Great job to the cast and crew!! :)

On October 28th I went to a fundraising comcert for the Motivating Miles foundations. The foindaton was founded three years ago by a friend of mine from high school Caleb Ginsberg and his mother Sarah Ramsey after two of their family members were diaganoed with cancer. The concert was organized by fellow SHS thespian Andrea Crocker. I arrived about 2o minutes late because I got of work at8:00 but I was very impressed by the talent I did see. FAvorite musical numbers included For Good from Wicked, You Can't Stop The Beat from Hairspray,I'll Cover You from RENT and If I Never Knew You from Pocahontas. If I Never You was the most moving performance of them all and seemed to have some sort of a weird connection to the anniversary of Tim and Kyle Crisman's death ( The anniversary of thier death was on Thursday)
To learn more about Motivating Miles Foundation visit their website at http://motivatingmiles.org

And finally....

I just arrived home from seeing A Chorus Line at Stagecoach Productions. It was my first time seeing a Stagecoach performance and I was completely blown away by how amazingly talented tthe cast was. Chorus Line is one of my top favorite musicals and I feel the Stagecoach crew did it absolute justice. My favorite number from that show hss always been What I Did For Love and Rachel Curullo who played Diana Morales did an amazing job with that song. I shuld note that Diana Morales has always been one o my dream roles, I have no idea if I will ever ge the opportunity to play it but Rachel is someone who I look up to and so is Bethany Stanzizzi wo played the same role when the Amherst PTA did this show when I was in 8th grade. Another standout number was At The Ballet performed by Shawna Ciampa, Jen Mallard and Mandy Nickerson. I must reitterate everyone in the cast was truly amazing! Congrats to cast crew and director Scott Severance on an amazing show!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Long time no see

Hello Lovely Followers-
Sorry about the lack of updates.. things have been hectic lately. If you pepper in a snowstorm and expected five day power outage you get even more craziness. Here's what I've been up to..

  • Princess Kim Making progress. The script is done and it looks great. Stay tuned to the Princess Kim Blog http://princesskimthemusical.blogspot.com for furthur updates. This process is so very exciting for me! I adore this collaboration.
  • Stilll working on the case studies for my gay bullying play. I have three at this point and have been actually been stuck at that number for several weeks now. If y ou are gay or know someone who is that wants to be interviewed send their contact info my way. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL
  • Recently downloaded the songs I Believe from The Book Of Morman and Always Look On The Bright Side of Life from Monty Python's Spamalot. SO IN LOVE WITH BOTH SONGS!
  • Went to see And Then There Were None at the Amato Center on October 23rd. Review coming soon. Seeing A Chorus Line at StageCoach Productions on Sunday...so excited as this is my favorite show of all time. Can't wait to see what Stagecoach does with it! :)
  • I am thinking of taking piano lessons again. For all those who read these entries on facebok do you know of anyone in this area that I could go to for lessons? I went to Harvey's Music in Milford back in high school but I do not know if they are still open.
  • PTA Play auditions are coming up after Christmas. I am once again in the process of choosing an audition song. Does anyone know of a good song from Oklahoma that will fit my range so I can start practicing? I am an alto. I am hoping I can work something something out with my work schedule so I can go to the auditions and be part of the show. If not I will help out with publicity.
  • Due to the power outage I missed Dancing With The Stars and Glee this week. Expect a massive update next week summarizing both episode. I am actually pissed that David Arquette got voted off this week. Hope Solo was almost as bad of dancer as Chaz Bono was and should have gone home.

That's about all for now. Stay tuned for reviews of And Then Were None and A Chorus Line. These entries will probably be combined together.
